Page Content
As part of our efforts to reach people with limited mobility and accessibility, we have designed Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research portal with enhanced features to ease their experience.
The following are some of the features on our portal that aim to benefit people with different abilities:
- Website Structure
- Zoom Screen
- Text to Speech
- Change Text Size
- Alternate Text for Image
- Change Colors
Website Structure
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research exclusively follows the recommendations laid down by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to maintain the website structure, navigation, look and feel, in order for you have a pleasant visit to our portal.
Zoom Screen
For those with poor visual ability to read text and view images, you can use the ‘Zoom’ option from your browser to enlarge the page. You can change the page size by clicking on the ‘View’ menu, then click on ‘Zoom’ to adjust the page size according to your needs.
Text to Speech
For those with visual impairments, or those who wish to avoid eyestrain, our portal offers allows you to listen to the content instead of reading it.
Change Text Size
If you experience difficulty in reading the text on this website, you can increase or decrease the text-size by clicking on (A+) or (A-) icons on the top right corner of the webpage.
Alternately, you can also adjust the text-size setting of your browser in this way:
- Internet Explorer: Change the text size setting in your browser by clicking on the (View) menu. Then, click on (Text Size) and select the size you require
- Firefox: Change the size of the text in your browser by clicking on the (View) menu. Then, select Increase or Decrease to change the text size. Alternatively you can press (Ctrl) and (+) keys on the numeric keypad to increase the text size, or (Ctrl) and (-)keys to decrease the text size. Pressing (Ctrl) and (0) returns you to the default size
- Google Chrome: Change the text size in your browser by clicking on the main menu. Then, click on (Zoom) and adjust the text-size. Alternatively you can press (Ctrl) and (+) keys on the numeric keypad to increase the text size, or (Ctrl) and (-) to decrease the text size. Pressing (Ctrl) and (0) returns you to the default size
- Opera: Change the size of both text and graphics using the (+) and (-) keys on the numeric keypad. Each press will increase or decrease the size by 10 percent
- Safari: To change text size in the safari, click on the (View) menu. Then click on (Make Text Bigger) or (Make Text Smaller) to change the font size as you like. You can also use the keyboard shortcuts: Increase or decrease the text size with (Apple) and (+) and (Apple) and (-) keys
Alternate Text to Image
Each image on Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research website is tagged with an appropriate description. To read the image description, you need to position the mouse over the image.
Change Color
If you find difficulty in reading a certain text in the given background color combinations, you can easily change colors in your web browser in this way:
- Internet Explorer: Click on the (Tools) menu or press (Alt) + (T) keys on the numeric keypad. Then click on (Internet Options) or press (O). Then, click on (Accessibility) or press (Alt) + (E). When the Accessibility options are displayed, check the colors specified on web page by clicking on (checkbox) with the mouse or by pressing (Alt) + (C). Save your changes by clicking on (OK) button or by pressing (Enter). You will be taken back to the (Internet Options) window. The website will now be using the same color scheme as on your computer
- Firefox: Click on the (Tools) menu or press (Alt) + (T) keys on the numeric keypad. Then click on (Options) or press (O) to display the (Options) window. Click on the (Fonts and Colors), or you can press (F) to display the (Fonts and Colors) window. Then to set Firefox to use your windows color scheme, click on the (Use system colors) checkbox or (Tab) to the checkbox and press the (Spacebar) to select it.
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